Batman: The Detective #4
DC Comics
Written by Tom Taylor
Pencils by Andy Kubert
Inks by Sandra Hope
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Bruce Wayne makes an unexpected discovery while being investigated by the authorities.

Bruce Wayne is being held at Interpol Headquarters in Lyon when an interrogation uncovers something disturbing. Then, Bruce finds himself in a surprising situation. After a deadly confrontation, Amina comes to his aid. Later, Batman and Amina meet with an old acquaintance that brings a helpful device. The two then embark on a dangerous journey.
The Story: Tom Taylor crafts an intriguing and engrossing fourth chapter in this detective thriller. The stakes feel very real. And throughout, I was deeply concerned with Bruce’s well being. Although the action is limited, it is extremely compelling. This is a content heavy issue, and the writing within is magnificent. For me, the language used for both narration and character interaction was completely immersive. I was deeply emotionally connected to each scene. And several times, I had audible reactions to key plot developments. I am excited to discover what new mysteries await in the upcoming episodes.
The Art: This is a beautiful edition. The drawings are extremely detailed, and the color work is a perfect fit in both tone and style. This issue does an amazing job in balancing modern energy with a noir mood.