Batman Superman World’s Finest #7
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: The last survivors of a doomed world finds his way to Batman and Superman.

Gotham City is tearing apart and two scientists decide to try one desperate way to save their son by sending him off planet in an experimental rocket that will bring him to an alternate Earth in a parallel universe. The effects of the ship send ripples through the sky prompting both Batman and Superman to investigate.
The pair intercept the ship and its young passenger who is both terrified and dealing with emerging powers he cannot control. While Batman continues to investigate, Clark finds himself in the unique position of having to mentor a scared young man dealing with a loss that rivals the man of steel.
The Story: Waid wades (no pun intended) into some new and interesting territory with this new arc. The premise is interesting both in how David’s story mirrors Clarks but also in how it is set in Gotham giving a connection to Bruce as well. I like seeing how the characters navigate trying to help the young man as well as seeing Dick step in to help him as a peer. I look forward to seeing where the story goes next.
The Art: Dan Mora delivers some brilliantly detailed and beautifully composed art throughout the issue. The style is beautiful and the art has a sense of vibrancy and emotion that is visually engaging.