Batman Superman World’s Finest #28

DC Comics

Written by Mark Waid

Art by Dan Mora and Travis Mercer

Colors by Tamra Bonvillain

Letters by Steve Wands

The Rundown: While Batman and Superman fight to escape the sixth dimension, Jimmy faces off against a powerful entity.

After being infused with Mxyzptlk’s power, Jimmy Olsen finds himself facing off against the entity that has invaded the planet. At the same time, the remaining superheroes gathered in the city are cut off from the fight. At the same time, Batman and Superman travel different dimensions in order to find a way back to theirs. A journey that will force Batman to make amends with his little fan.

Back on Earth, Jimmy finds himself given all of Mxyzptlk’s powers and must use them to survive a powerful onslaught from the entity in order to buy time. AT the same time, Robin tries to keep the creature’s attention on him as Batman comes up with a plan.

The Story: Waid continues to create some fun and inventive stories in this series and this issue is no exception. There is great action throughout the story as well as wonderful moments of humor as well. The story has some awesome character moments for Jimmy as well as an awesome moment between Batman and Bat-Mite. An incredibly fun and entertaining story that has a wonderful buildup of its action to an unexpected and satisfying cliffhanger that makes me excited to see what happens in the next issue.

The Art: Mora continues to be one of my favorite artists and the depictions of the characters as well as the vibrant and intense action is amazing. Mercer adds some wonderful and unique visual moments throughout the issue that beautifully complement Mora’s visuals.

Batman Superman World’s Finest #28



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