Batman Superman World’s Finest #16
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: With Batman and Superman trapped with a new version of Amazo, the rest of the world’s heroes rally to stop the death of humanity.

Robin finds himself getting a much needed rescue from a speeding Batmobile from Flash as other heroes fight a world wide epidemic of malfunctioning robotic heroes and villains. At the same time, Batman and Superman are trapped with Newmazo as he forces the worlds leaders in robot technology to build devices for him. When Batman notices that a familiar face is missing from the group, he begins to form a plan.
As the other heroes fight to free captured humans from a fate worse than death, Batman begins the next part of his plan starting with freeing Superman. As the heroes regroup and get an assist from the rest of the Justice League, Wonder Woman pays a visit to someone who is suspiciously absent from the current crisis.
The Story: A fun, exciting and lively adventure from Waid that continues to explore and enhance the partnership between the characters. This issue does a wonderful job of expanding on that partnership while also building on the mystery of the story. I loved the action in the story as well as the planning work from Batman and how a character I noticed missing from the arc is acknowledged and investigated. I love that twist in the story and cannot wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Mora delivers some beautifully detailed and exciting art throughout the issue. The visual style is fantastic and the action is thrilling and filled with amazing imagery.