Batman Superman World’s Finest #14
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: With Bruce Wayne a murder suspect, Batman and Superman will have to find a new way to investigate a billionaire’s murder.

After being arrested for the murder of Simon Stagg, Batman’s investigation into the man’s death becomes more difficult and he decides to try a new tactic. With Superman and Robin on the hunt for Metamorpho, Bruce finds himself getting a strange call from Oliver Queen. A call that prompts him to reach out to his fellow billionaires.
At the same time, Superman and Robin catch up with Rex in order to get him to Stagg’s funeral. Bruce’s discovery will lead them to a new suspect. Someone who has both the motive and means to pull off this crime. Someone who is also waiting for them with a surprise for the Man of Steel.
The Story: An engaging mystery with great action and characters. I love the detective work being done in the story and how well Batman and Superman work together. There is a wonderful tone to this series that reminds me why I connect with and enjoy these characters. Waid does a brilliant job of crafting a great story with a great mystery enhanced by great action and thrills.
The Art: Dan Mora continues to deliver blisteringly beautiful visuals throughout the issue. The character designs are beautiful and the action is thrilling in every page and panel.