Batman Superman World’s Finest #11
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: David’s increasingly violent outbursts force Superman to make a dark decision.

After almost killing the Joker in front of the Teen Titans, David finds himself facing his mentor Superman. Clark is confronted by Bruce who tells him that he is going to have to make a decision about the young man who is becoming increasingly more violent the more powerful he becomes. Clark decides to use a device to drain David’s powers unaware that he already revealed to Key where the Fortress is located.
When Key launches a sneak attack on the fortress, he finds a way to take out Superman first before trying to steal David’s multiverse ship. A move that will put everyone, especially David in more danger when his final encounter with Key inadvertently sends him on another journey to an even darker world.
The Story: A tense, entertaining story that is filled with great action. Waid ramps up the tension throughout the story with not only the David/Superman dynamic, but also with what Key did to David and how that manipulation plays out. David continues to be an interesting character and his interactions with the heroes leads to some engaging moments. I love the emotional build up at the end of the issue as well as the surprise reveal on the last page.
The Art: Mora delivers beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The action, characters and environments all look gorgeous and visually compelling.