Batman Superman #15
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Andrei Bressan
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez
Letters by John J Hill
The Rundown: Batman calls in Superman when one of their most unpredictable enemies has a deadly problem.
Batman calls Superman to Gotham City during a pretty bad winter storm because he needs his help with a problem at Arkham Asylum. Solomon Grundy’s latest incarnation is becoming increasingly unstable and will explode at any time taking a huge chunk of the country with him. After consulting with Poison Ivy, they learn that Grundy’s connection to the Green could be the key to stopping him, but they need to get him back where he was first created.

As the pair prepare to escort Grundy back to Slaughter Swamp, Batman reveals the other reason that he called in Superman’s help. The Secret Society of Super Villains believe Grundy belongs to them and they will do whatever they have to get him back, including taking on Batman and Superman with Grundy as a ticking time bomb.
The Story: Joshua Williamson tells a fine self-contained story for the characters and allows for there to be a level of levity that reinforces why these characters interact so well with each other. The stakes are relatively mild and there wasn’t much tension to be had in the story at all, but it was good for what it was trying to be and for not trying to be more than it is.
The Art: Bressan does a great job with the art. Like the story, the art was serviceable in showcasing the action and characters, but there wasn’t anything groundbreaking. A good looking issue with a good story.