Batman: One Dark Knight #3
DC Comics
Written by Jock
Art by Jock
Colors by Jock
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Batman has one chance to stop a disaster, but his trip into darkness might be his last.

After losing EMP during his last encounter, Batman must travel into the sewers beneath the city to track the man’s movements and retrieve him before he sets off another devastating pulse. With his tech not working, he is almost blind and finds himself facing off against Killer Croc and his followers.
At the same time, Vasquez has EMP’s son and is using him as a pawn for a dark plan of revenge. When the gangs decide to team up, Batman will find himself facing off against an army, a corrupt and murderous Vasquez and a man slowly losing control of his powers as he makes his way to the bridge outside Blackgate Prison.
The Story: Jock brings this story to an exciting and thrilling conclusion with every tension filled moment. The plot and action are fantastic and I love how every separate element of the plot complements the next. From Batman’s seemingly never-ending battle to the tension in the Vasquez moments to the escalating gang violence in the city, Jock takes all of the moments of the tension and brings them to a beautifully sophisticated and gripping conclusion.
The Art: Jock delivers some visually dynamic and dramatic art throughout. The action is gritty and brilliant designed.