Batman: One Dark Knight #2
DC Comics
Written by Jock
Art by Jock
Colors by Jock
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Batman’s mission to transport a dangerous criminal will run him through a gauntlet of gangs and someone wanting revenge at any cost.

Gotham City has descended into darkness and the gangs have taken to the streets from across the city to take it as well as take down Batman and free their boss. At the same time, opposing gangs want EMP dead and have problem going through the Dark Knight to do it. At the same time, Gordon has his own problems as he and his team are caught in the middle of the gang war without backup. They also have a rogue element in their midst that has her own plans for EMP. Plans that require Gordon and the GCPD to be kept busy.
With the streets getting more dangerous and his road to the prison more treacherous, a dangerous element will unleash a new threat on the city with EMP as its target of punishment for his past sins.
The Story: Jock crafts a wonderfully dark and tension filled noir story in this issue. There are some great action moments throughout and the growing danger and tension in the story is riveting. The story does a great job of showcasing who Batman is as a character and his fierce determination. I like the story twists throughout and look forward to seeing how it concludes.
The Art: Jock pulls double duty as both writer and artist in this issue and the art perfectly complements the dark, gritty tone of the story with blistering action and a wonderful use of darkness and shadow.