Batman: One Bad Day Clayface #1
DC Comics
Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
Art by Xermanico
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: Basil Karlo would die for his artistic vision, but killing for it will be more rewarding.

Basil Karlo is determined to make it in Hollywood. He’s come to the city looking for fame and found a job that lets him blend in while he auditions. He’s even found a small community of struggling actors and writers he befriends as they all pursue their dreams.
Unfortunately, when the role he feels is perfect for him goes to one of his friends, Clayface manifests to take what he believes belongs to him. A move that will begin a violent, destructive journey to the top of the list of Hollywood players where his performance does not go unnoticed for long.
The Story: A beautiful, haunting and engaging story from Kelly and Lanzing. There are elements of great tragedy throughout the story and Basil’s plight draws you in as the world of Hollywood continues to pick at his need while the friends he’s making serve as an emotional anchor that he could hold onto if his desire to serve his own needs wasn’t so prevalent. Batman comes into the story at the perfect time as things devolve physically and emotionally to a fantastic ending.
The Art: Xermanico delivers beautifully detailed art on every page of the issue. The character designs are great and I love the horror elements of the visuals.