Batman Incorporated #3
DC Comics
Written by Ed Brisson
Art by John Timms
Colors by Rex Lokus
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Ghost-Maker’s sins come back to haunt him as his new protégé is given a choice.

Ghost-Maker makes an impromptu visit to a contact in order to get help for one of his mentors. At the same time, other members of Batman Incorporated clash with each other and the charges they are tasked to protect as they debate the philosophy and tactics of their new leader.
At the same time, Clownhunter is confronted by mysterious Phantom-One who tells him the tragic backstory of his life and how it was changed by Ghost-Maker. A story that reveals his direct connection to the events, his motivations for why he is killing mentors and what led him to his hatred of Ghost-Maker. A story that will end with Clownhunter being given a choice about what he wants to do next.
The Story: An entertaining and thrilling issue that delivers some great backstory for Ghost-Maker while also giving more development for Clownhunter. I love seeing the conflict within the team about its new leadership and his philosophy. Unfortunately, the Phantom-One story doesn’t do much to dispel the opinion that Ghost-Maker is basically a clone of Batman.
The Art: Timms delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The story is kinetic and the art beautifully emphasizes that energy with awesome camera angles and dramatic poses.