Batman: Fortress #3
DC Comics
Written by Gary Whitta
Art by Darick Robertson
Colors by Diego Rodriguez
Letters by Simon Bowland
The Rundown: Batman decides to seek out some unusual help with the growing alien threat.

After the disastrous assault on the alien ship, Batman returns to the cave to attempt to access Cyborg’s systems. After discovering a connection to Krypton, Batman is more worried about the fact that Superman is not anywhere to be found. His worry prompts him to contact the Guardians on Oa and their response is even more suspicious.
With the aliens continuing their hunt on Earth, they decide that their next stop will be the Daily Planet. At the same time, Batman decides to pay a visit to the sitting President Lex Luthor to enlist his help with a bold plan that involves breaking into the Fortress of Solitude.
The Story: Whitta takes this part of the story in an interesting and unexpected direction with twists that I did not expect, but thoroughly enjoyed. There is a great dark tone to this story that kept me engaged throughout and I continue to enjoy the mystery unfolding in the plot. There’s also some great Batman moments between the Guardians and Luthor.
The Art: Robertson delivers some awesome visuals in the issue. The art perfectly captures the dark tone of the story.