Batman: Fortress #2
DC Comics
Written by Gary Whitta
Art by Darick Robertson
Colors by Diego Rodriguez
Letters by Simon Bowland
The Rundown: Batman gathers the Justice League to take on an alien threat. One that has a connection to a member of the League.

At an undisclosed Justice League base, Batman has gathered the remaining members of the League to discuss the current threat facing the planet. Knowing that they have no backup from either Superman or the Green Lantern Corps, the heroes decide to join with a group of pilots from across the world to strike at the alien ship over the Indian Ocean.
The attack on the alien ship does not go well for the heroes and Batman is one of the only ones to escape while the rest disappear. With time running out, Batman does something desperate to find an edge. At the same time, a trio of aliens come to Kansas in search of a familiar face and their intentions are not good.
The Story: Whitta delivers an entertaining and thrilling story in this issue. There are some great character moments and I loved the tension of the plot. I like the mystery developing in the story and how Batman is under the gun to both solve it as well as protect the world without the help of the rest of the League. I liked the ending a lot and what it means for the story going forward.
The Art: Robertson delivers some great visuals throughout the story. There are some intense action beats in the plot and Robertson brings them to life with great detail and style.