Batman: Dark Age #2
DC Comics
Written by Mark Russell
Art by Michael Allred
Colors by Laura Allred
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Bruce Wayne’s journey to Batman takes an interesting turn from his prison cell.

Bruce Wayne finds himself in prison as his first forays into the world as a criminal get him caught. As he deals with his new circumstances, he gets an unexpected visit from Sam Lane who makes the young man an offer to serve his country in Vietnam.
His mission oversees brings him to Ras Al Ghul who trains him and a select group for missions. Missions that will bring him back to Gotham just in time for the powers that conspired against him to go after him again. A decision that will prompt him to take on a new persona.
The Story: Russell delivers an entertaining and interesting story in this follow up issue. It continues to be a unique take on the Batman origin story complete with cameos that do a wonderful job of fleshing out the world of this story. There is some great action in the story as well and Russell manages to weave some intriguing threads that make me interested in seeing what happens next.
The Art: Allred delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the story. I love the visual style and its unique character designs.