Batman and Robin #4

DC Comics

Written by Joshua Williamson

Art by Mikel Janin and Simone Di Meo

Colors by Jeromy Cox and Romulo Fajardo Jr

Letters by Steve Wands

The Rundown: Batman and Robin take on Shush and Damian reveals a dark secret.

Robin has been taken by Shush and discovers who she is working for. At the same time, Damian thinks back to his training days and the final encounter with his trainer. Batman arrives to rescue his son with White Rabbit in tow and Shush’s boss decides to send more bats after the hero.

After stopping their plan, Batman and Robin find themselves facing a new challenge. One that will connect Damian’s past, his present and possibly their new foe.

The Story: Williamson delivers some fun and interesting moments in this issue. There is some great symmetry between the present story and Damian’s past and I love how those elements come together in a moment I suspected and enjoyed. The action was thrilling and I love the moment with Batman asserting who and what he is.

The Art: Janin and Di Meo deliver amazing art in the issue. The visuals are thrilling and beautifully detailed throughout.

Batman and Robin #4



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