Batman and Robin 2024 Annual #1
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Howard Porter
Colors by Rain Beredo
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: Bruce takes Damian on the world’s most dangerous road trip.

After taking down a couple of criminals who were trying to get out of Gotham, Bruce is inspired by the pair to take his son and partner out of the city for a father/son road trip. Taking to the woods outside of Gotham, the pair find themselves in an area cut off from the rest of the woods and they will soon discover why.
Trapped within a force field, Bruce and Damian discover that they are trapped in a game preserve and that they are the prey of a group of hunters who have paid top dollar to hunt them. Unfortunately, none of them really know who they are hunting.
The Story: Williamson crafts an entertaining story for Batman and Robin in this annual. The story has the perfect level of drama and action throughout and does a fantastic job of creating and evolving moments for the pair to connect with each other. I love not only the motivation for the story, but also how it is quintessential Batman in word and deed. A great story that is fun to read from start to finish.
The Art: Porter delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visual style and how it captures the dark tone of the story.