Batman #105
DC Comics
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Carlo Pagulayan, Danny Miki, Alvaro Martinez and Christian Duce
Colors by David Baron
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Ghost-Maker’s mission to teach Batman a lesson will have unexpected results.
Years ago, Ghost-Maker makes a final plea to a young Bruce Wayne to join him on a global war against crime and corruption. Bruce refuses citing the vow he made and the two come to an agreement before going their separate ways. Years alter, Ghost-Maker breaks the agreement and sets up camp in Gotham City in order to teach his former friend and rival a lesson about how his mission will ultimately kill him.

The lesson involves giving Clownhunter the ability to kill Harley Quinn while the Dark Knight watches, but Batman has faith in the boy and wants to help him. It will take some unexpected words from a former enemy to change the outcome of this standoff and Batman confronts Ghost-Maker with some unexpected results.
The Story: An interesting and moving story from James Tynion IV. There is a maturity and evolution in the storytelling that is entertaining and engaging as a reader. I enjoyed the story in a lot of ways and the continued conflict with Harley, Clownhunter and the aftermath of the Joker War continues to be an intriguing new world for the characters to explore. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next and what tension the presence of Ghost-Maker will have in Gotham.
The Art: All of the artists bring some great imagery to the issue. Everything flows well visually and there are some great character related moments that make the issue definitely worth reading.