Basilisk #3
Boom! Studios
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Jonas Scharf
Colors by Alex Guimaraes
Letters by Alex Dukeshire
The Rundown: Hannah prepares for the arrival of her prey as the people who destroyed her life gather to find her.

Hannah finds herself reliving the moment that changed her life and how her subsequent mental break kept her from even being able to mourn her loss. It also helps her focus on the individuals who she blames for their deaths. A focus that keeps Reagan from telling the grieving mother the whole truth. As Hannah continues her preparations, Reagan tells her that they are coming.
The rest of the group has made a stop at a local rest area and are trying to stay inconspicuous. A prospect that Jimmy finds hard because he has a thirst for destruction. When the local authorities converge on the rest area in force, the four proceed to cause a bloodbath. One that will leave nothing but death and destruction behind along with a survivor.
The Story: Cullen Bunn crafts a dark, twisted and compelling story in this issue. There are so many great moments throughout and the contrasting narratives work perfectly together. Hannah’s story of loss and revenge is powerful and the tension and danger of her undertaking is beautifully reflected in the carnage and destruction that is headed her way. I am fascinated by the world Bunn is creating in this series and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Jonas Scharf delivers some jarring, disturbing and brilliant imagery throughout the story. The characters and action stand out and are eye-catching.