Basilisk #10
BOOM! Studios
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Jonas Scharf
Colors by Alex Guimaraes
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: Vanessa wants to know where she came from and Barret makes a move against the Chimera.

Vanessa awakens in the camp where she was created among the clones of her group. She wants to know where she came from along with her past. A journey that will take her deeper into her past on the farm and begin a journey that will take her back to the event that set her on her journey of destruction.
At the same time, Barret has targeted Hannah for death and brought along a group of disciples to make it happen. When Regan attempts to stop him, he tells her that things are already in motion. When they storm the hospital and kill everyone they can find, Hannah manages to escape and discovers that Barret has set things in motion in order to make her a dangerous offer.
The Story: Bunn delivers a thought provoking and engaging story in this issue. Not only do we get to see a different side of Vanessa, but Barret begins to take on more nuance as he works his own plan. I love the twists throughout the story and how Hannah seems to be caught in the middle before being offered a chance to do something surprising and compelling. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.
The Art: Scharf delivers some visceral, beautifully detailed violence along with some equally beautiful character moments in the issue. The contrast in the two parts of the story are brilliantly done and visually impressive.