Anyone who watched Avengers Infinity War this weekend was genuinely surprised that a long-standing question from Phase 1 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was finally answered. Warning: If you have not seen Avengers Infinity War, DO NOT read any further!!



You’ve been warned.

One of the biggest secrets that has caused the most speculation has been; where is the Soul Stone? Many have speculated that its been hiding in plain sight or that it is a person. It was revealed in the film that Gamora (Zoe Saldana) has known where the stone is the entire time. After Thanos (Josh Brolin) tortured Nebula (Karen Gillan) to force Gamora to reveal the location, the two of them teleport to the planet Vormir. As they ascend the mountain, they are stopped by the keeper of the stone;

The Red Skull!!


At the end of Captain America: The First Avenger, Red Skull is teleported out into space by the Tesseract. It turns out that he is sent to the planet Vormir and forced to become the keeper of the Soul Stone. As he relates to Thanos, he is cursed to guard a treasure that he can never possess. The character’s return was one of the biggest surprises in the film and definitely worth it for the symmetry of answering that particular question.


Let me know what you thought of the surprise in the comments below.


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