Avengers Assemble #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Valentina Pinti
Colors by Sonia Oback and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The team splits in two to bring down two growing threats in the same land.

Doom’s former fiancé and symbol to her people has returned to Latveria and found that she cannot enter. Her rage threatens to destroy the cities and town around the closed off nation and the Avengers prepare to face off against her. At the same time, Steve Rogers and Shang-Chi discover that the Serpent Society is operating in the area and make their way to an encounter with the group.
As Photon’s team attempts to reason with the grieving Victorious so that she can end her pursuit, Cap and his team face off against a new Serpent Society who has been studying the new Avengers group and will use that knowledge to turn one of their own against them.
The Story: I continue to enjoy the intricacy of this story and how many layers it continues to unfold as it progresses. The plot didn’t initially grab me, but I appreciated how the team tried to de-escalate the situation with Victorious. The Serpent Society storyline is moving a little too quickly for me personally, but the reveal does tease something interesting to come.
The Art: Pinti delivers great art throughout the issue. The action is thrilling throughout and there are some truly emotional character moments that are rendered beautifully.