Avengers Assemble #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Steve Orlando

Art by Scot Eaton

Inks by Elisabetta D’Amico

Colors by Sonia Oback

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: The Avengers assemble to take on an army of ghost apes terrorizing a small town.

The Avengers continue to deal with being newly reformed and their next mission will take them to a small town that is being overrun by phantom apes. After deploying and trying to determine their next move, Night Thrasher discovers something strange about the phenomenon. Something that will lead to an old foe.

As the team looks for an old enemy and a way to stop the invasion of the ghost apes, the Serpent Society continues to use the situations to gain things for their own plan while another group prepares to deploy someone to New York to begin a war the Avengers will get pulled into.

The Story: Orlando creates some great stories and there are a lot of things I enjoyed about this one, specifically the team banter. Beyond that, the story feels bland in many ways. I like that these stories are self-contained and I really enjoy the background action, but this issue didn’t really capture my imagination. It does set up something interesting in the next issue that does seem a lot more interesting.

The Art: Eaton delivers some great looking art in the issue. The visuals are lively and I really enjoyed the character designs a lot.

Avengers Assemble #2



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