Avengers Assemble #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Steve Orlando

Art by Cory Smith

Inks by Oren Junior and Elisabetta D’Amico

Colors by Sonia Oback

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Captain America returns to the mansion to start a new group of Avengers with some old friends.

Steve Rogers returns to Avengers Mansion along with Jarvis to create a new team of Avengers to deal with threats on the ground in the wake of huge global threats they’ve recently faced. When his first recruits arrive, they immediately get to work fighting Sin who has found an item that allows her to amplify the hate in others.

While the team is out in the field, more Avengers arrive and decide to use the time to catch up with each other and meet some of the new recruits. At the same time, members of the Serpent Society prepare a dark offering to a potential new patron.

The Story: A thoroughly fun and thrilling adventure from Steve Orlando. I love the vibe of the series as well as the roster of characters and how they connect with each other. The story has a wonderful balance of fantastic action and sentimentality with characters coming back together as friends and others dealing with a potential global threat. I liked the underlying tension being brought out in certain moments as well and the side story with the Serpent Society teases some interesting stories to come.

The Art: Smith delivers some beautifully detailed and impressive art throughout the issue. I liked the visual style a lot and how they contrast the intense action scenes and the milder character moments.

Avengers Assemble #1



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