Avengers #61
Marvel Comics
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Ivan Fiorelli
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: As the Avengers battle Mephisto through time, their newest member must discover who she really is.

The Avengers continue their battles through time against different versions of Mephisto, but Starbrand is told to stay behind. After speaking with the Celestial, she decides to head into the fight anyway. Unfortunately, her accelerated aging and how it is connected to her powers still needs to be studied. At the same time, Starbrand wants to know more about her purpose.
As they continue the battle through time, Brandy finally takes some time to get to know more about the people she is fighting alongside and herself. Something that will inform her decisions going forward. A decision that will lead her on a dangerous path that she might not come back from.
The Story: Aaron does something entertaining and engaging with this story by focusing it on Starbrand. Throughout the arcs we haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with this character and this story does a great job of giving her more depth and personality. I enjoyed the build up with her as the focus and look forward to seeing where the story goes next.
The Art: Fiorelli delivers some great art throughout the issue. The action is visually thrilling and dynamic and I love the details within the character moments.