Avengers #60
Marvel Comics
Written by Mark Russell
Art by Greg Land and Jay Leisten
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Clint Barton finds himself being judged with unexpected results.

Clint’s new gig as the leader of the Thunderbolts leads to some interesting entanglements. One that will find him having to take a break at a local diner to clean himself up after a mission doesn’t go exactly as planned. When he comes out of the bathroom he’s greeted by the friendly face of Black Widow who informs him quickly that she is in a Celestial sent to judge him along with the rest of humanity.
After proving who and what she actually is, Clint is not overly impressed with being judged and the criteria being used so the Celestial offers Hawkeye a little challenge. One that will intrigue him throughout the day as he continues his mission and questions people close to him about the morality of what they do. A day that will end in an interesting conclusion for Clint.
The Story: I really enjoyed the laid back tone of this story. Russell does a great job of giving Clint a great comedic voice in the story without losing any of the tension of the bigger arc. The story does a great job of giving Barton a unique perspective that challenges the Celestial in a way that the bigger, action filled plot doesn’t. An interesting and entertaining change of pace.
The Art: Land and Leisten deliver some great visuals throughout the issue. The art is lighter in tone and perfectly matches the story. The character designs are great and there are some visually engaging moments throughout the story.