Avengers #52
Marvel Comics
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Juan Frigeri
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Captain America tries to connect with the young Starbrand before the Death Hunters come for them all.

Steve Rogers gets in contact with the wife of one of the few remaining men he served with during the war and decides to make his comrades final rest one of honor. Starbrand and Carol Danvers travel with him and Carol decides to talk to the girl about what has been bothering her. Their interaction is tense, but Cap manages to cool things down by taking Brandy somewhere with a connection to the past she never knew.
Unfortunately, their trip is interrupted by a group of Deathloks seeking help from the unlikeliest member of the group. Their plea is interrupted by an attack from the Death Hunters and both Captain Marvel and Captain America begin to pursue. After discovering the threat they face, both Captains will get an assist from both the remaining Deathloks and a fired up Starbrand. In the aftermath, something about Brandy will change.
The Story: Aaron crafts an entertaining story in this issue. I would have liked to see more of Brandy’s story because she has an interesting personality and her connection to the rest of the team continues to be tenuous at best. There was some great action in the issue and the plot moves the bigger arc along in some interesting ways while also coming to a great cliffhanger ending.
The Art: Frigeri delivers some great art throughout the issue. The characters moments look great, but the action is beautifully detailed and filled with great energy.