Avengers #5

Marvel Comics

Written by Jason Aaron

Art by Ed McGuinness and Paco Medina

Inks by Juan Vlasco, Mark Morales and Karl Story

Colors by David Curiel

Letters by Cory Petit

Satisfied in his position and savoring his impending victory, Loki begins to monologue about the first Celestial to come to Earth and how its death was a catalyst for the changes on the planet as well as the problems the Avengers are facing now. As the god of mischief continues, Captain America continues to find new ways to fight back as Ghost Rider attempts to mount a rescue. At the same time, a reinvigorated Tony Stark has something up his sleeve to deal with the First Host, something that is in keeping with the style of Stark himself. Black Panther and Captain Marvel have discovered a way to successfully fight the Horde insects and Thor returns with She-Hulk and a possible magical solution to the Celestial issue.

Inspired by Cap, Ghost Rider finds a way to make a bigger impact on the upcoming battle, Iron Man’s newest toy debuts and both Thor and She-Hulk find a way to make a bigger impact on the fight to come. As much action as there is in this issue, it also does a really good job of holding back a little to flesh out the story, give some really fun character interactions and end on an amazing cliffhanger that promises some awesome action in the next issue.

Jason Aaron has done a great job of taking this team and slowly bringing them together through this crisis. It would have been easy to give them a shared goal and dismiss the years of tension that have built among this group, but Aaron takes his time with their team fundamentals as they face a crisis that is forcing them together in a way they couldn’t have known. It’s a layered style of story that Aaron is giving and all of the elements have worked for every character and the story itself.

Ed McGuinness and Paco Medina have delivered some of the best art I’ve seen in a lot of books issue after issue. The stylized poses of the characters are everything that a poster or print of these heroes should be and every page is a visual feast both in content and composition. I found myself going over panels again just to take in the art, especially how vibrant the colors are by David Curiel. Both complement each other at a level that is unreal. Great read, great buildup. Can’t wait for a great pay off.

Avengers #5




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