Avengers #48
Marvel Comics
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Javier Garron
Colors by David Curiel
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Jennifer cuts a path of destruction all over the world and an unlikely person might be the key to stopping her.

As Gorilla Man laments his role in the attack on the Avengers as well as the kidnapping of She-Hulk, the team are on the hunt to find their missing teammate before she causes more destruction. Unfortunately, Jennifer and Gorilla Man are going to see each other sooner than he thinks. After taking him, he tries to reason with her, but he also understands what the Red Room has done to her and what it is still doing to her as she tries to fight back.
As the Avengers continue the hunt, Blade discovers the aftermath of Jennifer’s attack on the vampire nation and the destruction of what they tried to steal from her. Not knowing where she will attack next, Black Panther continues working on a way to both help her and cure the mountain. As Jennifer moves in on her next target, the Red Widow moves into position with their real plan. A plan that will require the king of Atlantis to be otherwise occupied.
The Story: Aaron crafts an entertaining story with a lot of great action throughout. The Gorilla-Man angle is interesting in that his redemption arc is a little too obvious, but it is entertaining. I liked seeing the Avengers dealing with the aftermath of Jennifer’s attacks rather than showing up to stop her and it will be interesting to see how they deal with the Winter Guard’s plans for both Jennifer and Atlantis.
The Art: Garron delivers some brilliant visuals throughout the issue. The action is fantastic and the character moments are fantastic in their detail.