Avengers #38
Marvel Comics
Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Ed McGuinness
Inks by Mark Morales
Colors by Jason Keith
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: While the Avengers worry about a growing list of threats, an immortal evil begins to harvest.
In a story spanning years, Mephisto has planted seeds with certain people at different times in order to watch them grow. One of his victims has been prosperous for generations only to give the Devil his due whenever the time came. Mephisto’s presence has been felt across the galaxy, across time and among different entitles as he molded and shaped events behind the scenes. Now he’s ready for the next phase of his plan and will begin to harvest the seeds he’s planted.

In the present, the Avengers have their own problems to deal with. The least of which is the fact that the Phoenix Force has returned to Earth and is nesting on their island. To make matters more complicated, Iron Man has no idea what the real threat from Mephisto is. At the same time, Black Panther confronts Moon Knight in the aftermath of Khonshu’s attack with an interesting offer.
The Story: Jason Aaron expands the story and makes it more engaging with the introduction of Mephisto’s plans through the years. I enjoyed the fact that the story takes a new and interesting narrative tone as it contrasts the different stories and characters. The plot is interesting and kept me involved with it and the converging storylines and I am interested in seeing where it goes next. Especially with the other threats the team faces still looming and growing.
The Art: Ed McGuinness’ art is always fantastic and the same can be said about the art in this issue. Even with the lack of big action or fights, the art exudes movement power and style.