736522._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Avengers #14

Marvel Comics

Written by Jason Aaron

Art by David Marquez

Colors by Justin Ponsor and Erick Arciniega

Letters by Cory Petit

It’s a supernatural super brawl as Earth’s Mightiest Heroes take on the undead around the globe and close to home.

Castle Dracula is in flames and the owner is in the wind as a new group of ruthless vampire hunters have invaded the castle and lay waste to every one there. As the vampire forces spread across the world, the Avengers find themselves split into teams to take them down. Blade and Captain Marvel have taken to the skies to clear a group of bloodsuckers that have hijacked a plane.


Panther and Iron Man take on an invading group going after Vibranium in Wakanda. Cap and Thor take on a group going after civilians at a church in Transylvania. Robbie and Jennifer take on the hidden monster city beneath Manhattan.

When the leader of the vampire hunters surrenders to the Avengers, he’s taken to the mountain for interrogation. A choice that will challenge Blade’s mission as well as trigger something potentially destructive inside Ghost Rider.

This is a really exciting issue that showcases some great action and an awesome plot. Jason Aaron does a great job of crafting a supernatural story for the heroes to take on. The dialogue is fun and funny at moments. Blade’s dialogue is definitely cringe-worthy, but it works in context with the story. The cliffhanger finale of this issue opens the door for some incredibly interesting storytelling to come for both the Avengers and Dracula.

The art by David Marquez looks amazing. It is beautifully detailed and all of the action is thrilling.

Avengers #14




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