Arkham City: The Order of the World #1
DC Comics
Written by Dan Watters
Art by Dani
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Dr. Jacenta Joy adjusts to life after the events of A Day and the close of Arkham Asylum

Dr. Joy talks down a serial killer before he can cause harm to someone unexpected. Later, she works with a detective to search for a deadly former patient and the two discuss her history. Meanwhile, another Arkham escapee reeks havoc on the city.
The Story: Watters crafts an interesting and mysterious first chapter in this new series. I loved how dark and twisted the story line is. And I am excited by the possibilities that are presented.
The Art: The illustrations in this issue are dark and eerie. And there is a distinct thriller style used that is reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock films. The attention to detail and emphasis on character expression and form do a good job in capturing the tone of the story. I found this edition both engaging and transportive.