AQM_Cv44Aquaman #44

DC Comics

Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick

Art by Robson Rocha

Inks by Daniel Henriques

Colors by Sunny Gho

Letters by Clayton Cowles

Shades of The Odyssey permeate the beginning of this story as the fear of Arthur’s death puts Mera in the position of having to consider a group of suitors eagerly wanting her hand.


At the Village of Unspoken Water, Arthur is trying to get answers about himself. With the offer to restore his memories if he delivers Caille to her mother, Arthur asks Wee a series of questions in an attempt to get answers. Frustrated with the answers she gives him, he goes to confront Caille about going to see her mother.

Later that night, the villagers gather to reveal who they really are in order to start Arthur on the next leg of his adventure, if they don’t kill him first.

This entire issue was beautiful and intense. Kelly Sue DeConnick has crafted an amazing issue with the second part of this saga and it culminates in a great cliffhanger ending for Arthur. DeConnick creates some beautiful dialogue between Arthur and Wee. Their banter is fun to read. All of the dialogue is great and the pace of the story is amazing. The final few pages where the villagers reveal who and what they really are is breathtaking. The action from that point leads to one of the best last lines in a comic I’ve read in a long time. A line that foreshadows a great adventure to come.

Robson Rocha’s art is outstanding. Everything from the details in Mera’s dress to Caille’s cabin are brilliantly detailed. This was a beautiful issue to look at from start to finish.

Aquaman #44




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