Ant #1
Image Comics
Written by Erik Larsen
Art by Erik Larsen and Mike Toris
Colors by Erik Larsen
Letters by Jack Morelli
The Rundown: The origin of a new hero is revealed amidst tragedy.

Daniel is a scientist in need of funding. An issue that might have a solution in the form of a government contract. At the same time, Daniel is raising his daughter Hannah who has dreams of being a hero and fixing everything wrong in the world. While Daniel finds himself working for the mysterious Mr. Steele, his daughter has her own issues in the form of a local bully who constantly harasses her.
After a near fatal car accident, father and daughter grow closer as the young girl heals, but Daniel’s work keeps him busy. When he finally makes a breakthrough in his research, his partner warns him that something terrible is coming for them. When the man winds up dead, Hannah races home and when her father arrives, the two are attacked. An attack that will force Daniel to give his daughter something that will change her life forever.
The Story: Larsen crafts a classic hero origin story in this issue and it works. The characters are interesting enough to want to learn more about. The circumstances are familiar without being cliché and the pace of the story hits all of the story beats one expects from a superhero origin. Larsen definitely crafts an entertaining and engaging story that I am interested in seeing evolve.
The Art: Larsen has a great visual style and that style works beautifully with this story and its characters. A great looking issue filled with great imagery.