Ain’t No Grave #3

Image Comics

Written by Skottie Young

Art by Jorge Corona

Colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Letters by Nate Piekos

The Rundown: Ryder takes a desperate gamble to escape a ghostly casino ship.

After making her way to a floating casino in the land of the dead, Ryder finds herself passing out from her injuries and being revived to face off in a game of chance against the ship’s owner Madam Gates. As she is brought to the chamber, she witnesses what happens to those who lose the game.

As she sits down and the cards are dealt that will determine whether she continues her mission, she thinks back to her life and a moment of tension between her and her husband. A moment that could contain a message that she has yet to learn.

The Story: Young continues to create a beautifully complicated and thrilling story in this issue with a beautifully complicated and interesting hero at the heart of it. The story continues to craft a beautifully contrasting narrative between the determination of Ryder in the land of the dead and the mistakes she continues to make in her past. The story is incredibly engaging and filled with great emotion along with a compelling journey for the character that I am invested in.

The Art: Corona delivers thrilling and beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visuals are amazing in their intricacy and emotion.

Ain’t No Grave #3



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