Adventureman #7
Image Comics
Written by Matt Fraction
Art by Terry Dodson
Colors by Terry Dodson
Inks by Rachel Dodson
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Claire’s investigation into the ghosts in the subway will put her face to face with another hero.

A hero in the past leaves his family to fight for justice and encounters a mysterious figure in a local bar. Years later, his grandson gives his own grandson a gift of the guns his great grandfather Champion Strong used. Guns that have strange powers that warn against danger. Not believing what his grandfather told him, the man leaves to return to his job and discovers that the guns are glowing as he discovers a skyscraper that wasn’t there before.
Inside the building, Claire’s sister is having a hard time figuring the formula that gave Claire her powers and wants to study it further. Her other sister discovers some information that might help Claire with her investigation in the subway and she heads to an abandoned subway station to get some answers. After discovering something haunting, Claire returns home. Unfortunately, the spirits return home with her.
The Story: Fraction crafts a fun and thrilling adventure in this issue. The characters continue to be both charming and engaging and the world Fraction is building with this series continues to be an entertaining one that draws in the reader. I am quickly falling in love with the world of these characters and the new, fresh and unique style of this story. I cannot wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Terry Dodson delivers some fantastic art on every page of this issue. The vibrancy of the art as well as the gorgeous details in every panel draw the eye and perfectly capture the story and its tone.