Action Comics #1028
DC Comics
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by John Romita Jr
Inks by Klaus Janson
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: In the aftermath of intense battles, the House of Kent looks for moments of peace.
There have been a lot of developments in the aftermath of the end of the Invisible Mafia and the House of El is dealing with them as they come. Perry White is dealing with the news that there is a new owner of the Daily Planet and just what the implications of working for Jimmy Olsen might be. With relative peace descending on Metropolis, Clark and Jon bring Conner to the Hall of Justice to determine what might be going on with him and why Clark doesn’t remember him.

With Jon having to head back to the future, father and son decide to spend some time together helping others and spending time with family and friends. As time grows short, the family gathers to say goodbye before the business of being reporters calls them back to the Planet.
The Story: Bendis crafted a lot of stories in his run on this title. From Red Cloud to the Invisible Mafia and more, Superman has dealt with a lot of threats in this title and with the direction of giving him a semblance of peace in this issue, I cannot ignore how unsatisfactory the conclusion of those storylines were and how the peace in this issue feels unearned. The resolutions were so lackluster that this issue feels superficial in both its storytelling and emotion.
The Art: John Romita Jr. has some interesting visual moments but the closeups still lack details that help distinguish one character from another and many of the panels feel rushed and uneven.