A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Judgment has been made and the heroes of Earth fight to stop the sentencing of humanity.

The Celestial has passed judgment on the Earth and deemed it unworthy of saving. After devastating New York, Steve Rogers is left broken and uncertain and the comfort of a civilian will help him find perspective. When Nightcrawler arrives and gives Steve a mission, the two depart and confront the Celestial with devastating results. Although the sacrifice of an Avenger might not have been in vain.
The rest of the Avengers, heroes and mutants band together to enact a plan to take on the Celestial and the Eternals find a secret way to help them. After the Celestial shows the heroes how powerful it has become and leaves dead heroes all over the battlefield, a small band of survivors prepares for a bold assault that will require an unexpected resurrection.
The Story: Gillen continues to bring impressive and exciting scope to this story with a plot that is riveting and compelling moment after moment. I’ve been wary of giant events for a while, but this one has connected with me because of how unique the story is, how high the stakes are and how intriguing and surprising all of the twists within it have been. I love the uncertainty of this series and the ending was brilliantly executed and exciting.
The Art: Schiti’s art is wonderfully detailed and beautifully designed. Every page is visually stunning and connected with me as a reader.