A.X.E. Judgment Day #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Kieron Gillen
Art by Valerio Schiti
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: War comes to the mutants and the Avengers find themselves trapped in the middle.

Tensions continue to rise and Tony Stark decides to meet with Sersei to discuss why there are rumors of a war coming. Sersei continues to be coy about the details, causing Phoenix and Captain Marvel to intervene and remove her from the field so she can be interrogated. At the same time, Druig begins his plans to cement his position as Prime Eternal by beginning massive assaults on both Krakoa and Arrako.
The mutants are caught off guard and their defenses are overwhelmed. Even after putting up a valiant effort, they continue to be surprised by the strategy of the Eternals and many of them are unaware of the damage that has been done to their society. At the same time, Captain America tries to reason with Sersei and Iron Man receives a visit from two Eternals bearing an unusual gift and asking for an unusual favor.
The Story: Gillen is crafting a huge story in this first issue. There are a lot of moving parts and characters involved and Gillen does a great job of keeping the story engaging to the reader. There is some great tension throughout and even some humor to be found. I have my misgivings about big events featuring heroes fighting other heroes, but this one at least seems to have some interesting background and stakes worth exploring.
The Art: Schitit delivers some beautifully detailed panels and pages throughout the issue. The action is visually thrilling and the art perfectly captures the tone of the story as well as the characters. There are some truly wonderful images throughout.