A Town Called Terror #3
Image Comics
Written by Steve Niles
Art by Szymon Kudranski
Colors by Szymon Kudranski
Letters by Marshall Dillon
The Rundown: Henry makes a decision about honoring his father’s request as his wife continues to hunt for answers.

More of Henry’s complicated past with his father is revealed as he reunites with his twin brother and sister. The reunion takes a dark turn when he has a run in with one of the Franks and the thing runs off. After leaving the twins to return to his family home, Henry has a run in with the Franks again and reveals his power. A power that scares them off, but won’t allow him to leave the town.
At the same time, his wife has questions about her husband. Questions the private investigator she hired has trouble answering as he digs into Henry’s past and finds practically nothing. Nothing except a patch of land that both he and the wife are itching to explore.
The Story: Niles does a brilliant job of building tension throughout the story and having that tension lead to reveals about the character that make him more endearing. I continue to be engaged by the complicated interpersonal relationships and the mystery at the heart of the story. Niles does a great job of making sure both the mystery of Henry’s missing mother and the mystery of the family are equally compelling to the reader.
The Art: Kudranski delivers some beautifully detailed, dark and evocative art on every page of the issue. I love the style of the art and the emotions that it evokes.